
SL600 Series

228,00 kr

3 reviews
SKU: RE-20602

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With the built-in E-approved reflectors and wide-angle optics, the SL600 series ensures optimum visibility in traffic. SL600 series has wide-angle optics that cast the light at 180° for maximum spread and even better visibility in traffic from all angles. The bike light is distinguished by its sleek and minimalistic design.


The SL600 Series front light is mounted on the fork crown and is connected to a dynamo on the front fork. The cable between the bike light and the dynamo can easily be rolled to the right length. The bike light produces its own environmentally friendly induction power by means of a coil in the bike light and magnets on the bicycle spokes – completely without the use of batteries.

The bike light is permanently mounted so you always have it with you. The light is always on whenever you cycle, which makes you extra safe in traffic – day and night. Magnet-powered bike lights mean no more flat batteries, no forgotten bike lights, no friction when you cycle – just lights which are always on.

The SL600 Series can be combined with front or rear lights from the SL500 Series.

Powered by magnets
- No friction
Complies with Danish legislation
Uses no batteries
ReePower™ Flash
Continues flashing for two min.
Flashing light
Constant light
E6 approved reflexes
Safety light
Permanently mounted
Theft proof
Environmentally friendly
Always on
- reduces accidents by 47%

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Il m'a été conseillé d'acheter cette lampe avant car mon vélo a des suspensions, mais le résultat est moins satisfaisant qu'avec la Nova que j'ai installée à l'arrière. La lumière reste faible et dure peu de temps après l'arrêt du pédalage, malgré mes divers essais sur le réglage de la hauteur des aimants par rapport à la dynamo. Je ne peux pas rapprocher suffisamment les aimants et la dynamo du centre de la roue qui est assez grande, peut-être qu'avec plus d'aimants cela fonctionnerait mieux.

Francis Leonesi
Perfect !

Nice products. Nice people. Juste perfect ! I recommand.

Thanks a lot Francis!

Rasmus Jensen
Kort ledning

Alt i alt meget tilfreds med lygten, men hvis den skal monteres på cykelkurv kunne kablet godt være længere. Selv på en børnecykel er det vanskeligt at få placeret magneterne så tæt på navet at frekvensen bliver tilfredsstillende, samtidig med at man gerne vil have placeret lygten så højt som muligt på cyklen

Hej Rasmus. Ledningen kan forlænges ved at dreje omløberen på selve generatoren, og den burde dermed blive tilstrækkelig lang. Med hensyn til placeringen af generatoren og magneterne i forhold til narvet har dette ingen betydning, da frekvensen altid vil være den samme. Har du spørgsmål er du velkommen til at skrive til