
RL700 Série


17 avis
SKU: RE-00721

Expédition neutre en carbone avec Shopify Planet
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Les feux avant et arrière sont alimentés par une dynamo, montée sur le hauban. Le feu de vélo produit sa propre énergie d'induction respectueuse de l'environnement au moyen d'une bobine dans la dynamo et d'aimants sur les rayons du vélo - sans utiliser de piles. Les feux sont montés en permanence, vous les avez donc toujours avec vous. La lumière reste toujours allumée chaque fois que vous faites du vélo, vous sécurisant davantage dans la circulation, de jour comme de nuit.


La série RL700 dispose de feux de position latéraux, qui émettent la lumière à travers de petits trous à des angles allant jusqu'à 270 °, augmentant considérablement la visibilité dans la circulation. Les feux avant et arrière possèdent des réflecteurs homologués E. Le feu avant est monté sur le hauban au-dessus de la roue avant. Le feu arrière est monté soit sur le porte-bagages, soit sur la tige de la selle selon la configuration choisie.

Les feux de vélo magnétiques éliminent les piles déchargées, les feux de vélo oubliés, les frictions lorsque vous faites du vélo - des feux toujours allumés et toujours sûrs.

Alimenté par des aimants
- Pas de friction
Conforme à la législation danoise
N'utilise pas de piles
Monté en permanence
Respectueux de l'environnement
Toujours allumé - réduit les accidents de 47 %
Reflecteurs homologués E6

Feu avant

Eclairage avant constant
Feu de route
20 - 30 lumen at 15 km/h
Le feu avant N'A PAS de ReePower™

Feu arrière

ReePower™ Flash
Continue de clignoter pendant 2 min.
Éclairage arrière clignotant
Constant ReePower™
Reste allumé pendant 2 min.
Éclairage arrière constant
Feu de sécurité

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Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Steven van Vulpen
mixed feelings

Tail light works OK, really bright
Front light is bij far not bright enough. Gives only a weak light
Installation: doable, but bolts are weak and mechanism to install magnet is not reusable

Hi Steven. Sounds like an installation issue as the front light should be a lot brighter than the rear light. Please contact us at and we will help you out with the magnets as well. Thanks.

Samuel Fooks
Great lighting solution, needs improvements.

It is a fantastic automatic lighting solution. I have 3 Reellight products, this is the best for sure so far. Not just to be seen, but also to see. Also rear light stays on for sometime while stopped increasing your visibility to traffic behind you. Amazing what one charging box and 3 magnets can render, and you feel no difference in terms of extra effort. Well done.

Wires were long enough, parts to attach light to my bike itself(seat ring, and front fork mounting bracket) were all correct and could fit any bike I think. Also enough zip ties were included to attach wires and clean up the work. Installation was relatively easy, but the bare wire ends and attaching them to the charging box connectors can be easily and should be improved.

like the other reviews, I lost 2 screws from 2 magnets and had to redrill the holes with screws I got at a local hardware store. Works fine. The heads of the screws just popped off, so @reellight, shipping us tiny screws from Denmark is semi-good customer service. We choose you for sustainability, stay strong in that. Please fix this issue, make it more modular, use more common hardware(like posted here in another review), and use stronger hardware.

The wires, connecting this inside a plastic box. This could be made much simpler by providing ends to the wires that would be designed to auto attach to the tiny connectors inside the box.

Also this box is made of plastic, the closing aspects as well. One tiny wrong move opening it and the lid of the box is damaged and needs to be replaced. Not ecological. Please foresee more durable materials for such a crucial part.

To be clear, this is a fantastic product, keep making this. Just improve these things, asap.

Thanks a lot, Samuel. We genuinely appreciate this kind of feedback and will forward it to the development team. The bolts are usually quite strong, but it seems we’ve had a bad batch recently as some has been experiencing issues. Of course, we help all those affected and are investigating the cause. Fortunately it is only a very few cases. Regarding the wire connection, we chose this option because people often cut the cable to length, which is not possible on systems like NOVA, where we use cable plugs.

Anna K.
Super Lösung für mein älteres Rad...

Licht ist top! Kein Widerstand beim Fahren und Installation hat einwandfrei funktioniert.

Vielen Dank, Anna!

Alexander Weber
Excellent light!

This is much better than the traditional Reelight - better position, and MUCH brighter. Worth the money and the installation time. Note: do not over-tighten the screws in the magnets, they can break, and are an odd size (not metric?)

Thanks a lot Alexander! Of course, we will replace the screw for the magnets at no cost if it breaks but this should not really be a worry.

Hernan Carrillo
An OK light kit to be seen, not to see

A leave-and-forget kit if you don’t want to bother with battery powered lights. The installation was somewhat simple. The design could be improved: the wire connectors inside the dynamo are flimsy, and the screws that secure the magnets to the spokes broke right away. The screws are not standard; I could not find replacements at either bike shop nor hardware store. I ended up drilling bigger holes on the magnets brackets, and installing bigger screws with locknuts on the other end. Lights are bright enough to be seen from distance, but the front light is weak and cannot really replace a bright battery operated light. So I ride slower at night; that gives me time to see the potholes in advance.
Overall a good priced, ok system

Thanks a bunch for your honest feedback, Hernan. The screws for the magnets are definitely not supposed to break that easily. We’d have been more than happy to replace them if you’d reached out sooner. As for the light output, it could be an issue with how the system is installed. If you could send us a few pictures of the system mounted on your bike, we’d be happy to take a look and help you out. Feel free to reach out to